Droëwors (droo-uh-vors) - (Dried sausage) is a popular South African snack food. It is usually made from “dun wors” (thin sausage) rather than “dik wors” (thick sausage), as the thinner sausage dries more quickly and is thus less likely to go bad before it can be preserved. If “dik wors” is to be used, it is usually flattened to provide a larger surface area for drying.
The recipe used for these dried sausages is similar to those used for boerewors, however for the meat component pork and spek are usually omitted as they go rancid when dried. This makes the sausage less desirable for cooking (as it tends to be less succulent), but ideal for drying. To improve the flavour, droëwors may be smoked after a day of hanging, then returned to continue the drying process. Droëwors and smoked droëwors can be frozen for up to two months in an airtight container.
Droëwors is unusual among dried meats in being dried quickly in warm, dry conditions, unlike traditional Italian cured salumi, which are dried slowly in relatively cold and humid conditions.
Category: South African Cuisine
Subcategory: Traditional
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Word Count: 322
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