Geelbek (Cape Salmon)

Geelbek/Cape Salmon 

Geelbek (Cape Salmon) is an elongate and robust fish, bluish to coppery above and white below, with translucent-grey fins. Most conspicuous are the mouth and inner surface of the gill covers, all of which are yellow, hence the Afrikaans name “Geelbek” (Yellow Mouth).

Beware of geelbek sold without its head, because a kabeljou or kob is sometimes passed off as an inferior imitation. Although geelbek is similar to a European salmon in shape, the flesh is white and has a more delicate flavour.


A whole fish of about 2 kg is best baked or poached and served with a sauce. However, it can also be sliced and grilled, or filleted and baked with mushrooms or tomatoes, herbs and onions.

Geelbek is suitable for:
  • baking

  • drying

  • frying

  • grilling

  • pickling

  • poaching


Category: South African Cuisine

Subcategory: Seafood