Bokkem Bake
Posted in South African Recipes Tell-a-Friend
Bokkem bake uses salted, wind-dried fish called bokkemsView Bokkems Article, They are usually made from haardersView Haarders Article which once formed an important part of the diet of Cape farm labourers.
4 bokkems
30 ml butter
30 ml lemon juice
grinding of black pepperView Pepper Article
Soak bokkems in plenty of cold water for 2-3 hours to get rid of the excess salt
Place each fish on a piece of foil, shiny side in, dot with butter and sprinkle with lemon juice, followed by black pepper
Bake in a preheated moderately slow oven 160°C (320°F) for 15–20 minutes or bury in hot coals for 10 minutes, until piping hot and heated through
When done, open parcels, remove heads and tails.
Serve with buttered bread or mashed potato
This dish is best eaten outdoors.
Category: Entrée
Cuisine: South African
Sub-Category: Traditional
Total Views: 2258
Word Count: 368
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